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Dayton Chapter Meeting (Virtual)

November 12, 2020 @ 11:30 am

Presentation – Ethics & The Built Environment
Presenter: Samir Traboulsi, Ph.D., P.E.

Theme: Membership Promotion and Research Promotion

Social Time: 11:30-11:45
Chapter Business/Introductions: 11:45-12:00
Main Presentation: 12:00

Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89653857141?pwd=TzV5U1QzenpSaiswRWZLcDFraFJHZz09
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Topic Description:
Ethics & the Built Environment
GBCI Approved | 1 CE Hours | 0920020217
AIA Approved | 1 LU/HSW | EBE19
Ethical and moral issues that are connected, with the development and maintenance of the built environment, became recently, the concerns of many professional organizations and their membership. Such development and maintenance include among other things, buildings, engineering structures and the space.
Although the use of ethics as a term is rare, the ethical considerations have become more prominent in all areas: design, construction, auditing, operations and maintenance, or rating performance, This came after a rapid pace of cultural and technological production revolutions.
Organizations and societies have developed their own code of ethics. Impacts and consequences of built environment such as climate change in our world, exhaustion, depletion of non-renewable, pollution, soil contamination, and availability of clean water drove engineers to become more interested in going beyond the codes. Such interests allowed the companies to develop their own Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR guidelines.
Synthesis of ASHRAE Code of Ethics and sample of CSR guidelines will equip engineers and enable them to gain deeper understanding of the relationships between ethics and the built environment, and the ethical principles and their impact on built environment. It will help to determine the structural decision for an ethical problem. Also, it will allow them a better understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.
Engineers are expected to know the moral and immoral principles and be able to examine cases and use the different ethical theory tools and come up with optimal moral judgements.

Speaker Bio:
Dr. Samir R. Traboulsi, has been a practicing mechanical engineer since the Seventies. His focus is on HVAC systems in high-efficient building designs, coupled with academic teaching in various technical areas as well as in the areas of operations research, engineering economics and professional ethics.
Samir received his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree in 1973 from the American University of Beirut, AUB., followed by the degree of Masters of Mechanical Engineering in 1975, and Masters of Business Administration in 1980. He completed post graduate courses in system dynamics at MIT 1990. In 2011 he completed his PhD degree, in mechanical engineering at the Beirut Arab University, BAU. .
Samir has published several technical papers and in several worldwide societies. Topics varied from Heat transfer, HCFC phase out plans, energy and heat conversion to industrial applications. .
With this academic background, he continues to be engaged in teaching as a senior lecturer at the American University of Beirut, AUB and Notre Dame University, NDU in Loueize, Lebanon. Courses taught ranged from technical areas such as thermodynamics, controls, building services, HVAC advanced design, and testing, adjusting & balancing, TAB to business and managerial strategies areas such as: operations Research, engineering economy and engineering ethics.
Samir is also an instructor at the Continuous Training Center of the Order of Engineers & Architects, OEA in Beirut & Tripoli- Lebanon. Courses covered areas of green technology and advanced Air conditioning courses. He is a member of the Energy & Sustainability Committee, at OEA.
Recently he is appointed as an instructor at the ASHRAE Global Training Center, Dubai, U.A.E. and checked, reviewed and conducted courses in HVAC Design of two levels, Standard 90.1 -2016 Energy Conservation and Appendix G, Complying with Standard 62.1 Indoor Air Quality, Improving Existing Building Operation, Understanding Standard 189.1 – 2014 for High-Performance Green Buildings (MENA), High Performing Healthcare Facilities, Commercial Building Energy Audits & effective Management in New & Existing Buildings. .
Dr. Traboulsi is an ASHRAE Life Fellow, CIBSE Fellow, NEBB Certified Professional, System Dynamics Society, SDS member, and in good standing member of the Order of Engineers and Architects, OEA, Beirut- Lebanon. .
Samir had served ASHRAE Board of Directors as DRC of RAL, and DAL as well as several Society councils and committees. He is the Founder of the Lebanese Chapter of ASHRAE, in 1995 and continuous member of its Board of Governors. He is a member of the Society Scholarship Trustees, Advisory Board of PROGREEN certification program of the American University of Beirut. He has attended over 40 ASHRAE Winter and Annual meetings and other international worldwide conferences. .
Samir is a Co-Founder of the Lebanon Green Building Council. LGBC, and had served as its president (2008-2012) and as Net Zero Champion of the World Green Building Council. He worked for developing the ARZ, Lebanese commercial buildings rating system in Lebanon. He was a regional Consultant of the UNEP in GCC countries, and National Consultant of the Ministry of Environment in Lebanon. .
He is the Chairman and General Manager of Thermotrade SAL, a leading MEP company since 1985.


November 12, 2020
11:30 am