Scholarship Applications are open!! Applications are due January 15 of the award year.
Scholarship Amounts will be one $1,500 scholarship (University of Dayton Student Only) and one or more $1,000 scholarships (No restriction on School).
Eligibility Requirements: All of the following Criteria must be met:
- Applicant must be one of the following: Dayton Chapter Member or one of their family members, or a student member of ASHRAE Society. Family members include spouses, children (adopted or Natural), guardianship-family members, stepchildren, and grandchildren. The Scholarship committee, upon approval of a majority vote of the Board of Governors, may consider other applications.
- Applicant must be enrolled in a college or university. Applicants who are not family members of Dayton Chapter members must use the scholarship funds to attend a school in the Miami Valley region.
- Applicant must be enrolled in Engineering, Engineering Technology, Energy Engineering, Facilities Management, Construction Management, or a discipline that will lead to a degree and a career in the Built Environment.
- Applicant should have one full semester or quarter of studies (defined as 12 quarter hours or semester hours credit earned towards the degree) in a College or University and shall be in a degree-track program.
- Applicant can be in a graduate program, an undergraduate program, or a co-op program.
All Fields must be completed, and the following attachments must be included:
- A personal recommendation from a faculty member of the school that the student is attending that describes the student’s academic standing, character, and contribution to the industry.
- Current transcript including grades from most recent Fall Term (an unofficial transcript is acceptable).
If the application is not completed in its entirety, you will not be eligible for the scholarship.
For the full procedure governing our scholarship process, please click here.